Photo by Dave Martucci

Highlights of the NAVA 36 Convention
Held in Denver, Colorado, August 30 - September 1, 2002

written by Andy Biles and Dave Martucci

The 36th Annual Convention of the North American Vexillological Association was held at the Denver Airport Mariott at Gateway Park in the City of Aurora, Colorado, which is located in Denver County, just south west of the City of Denver. As always a flag competition was held to determine the best design for a meeting flag, the final design chosen was co-designed by NAVA President Dave Martucci and member Secundino Fernandez. Based on the flags of the City and County of Denver and of NAVA, it depicts the sun of Denver over the V of Vexillology over the mountains of Colorado.

Photo by Kevin Murray

The hotel is located at the entrance to Gateway Park, a development marked by six huge flag poles with flags! On the right are the US, Colorado and City/County of Denver flags.

Photo by Dave Martucci

Looking out from the hotel the big flags are impressive!

Photo by Kevin Murray

The Denver Airport Mariott at Gateway Park is a modern facility. On this side of the gateway we see the flags of the US, Colorado and the City of Aurora

After registration, a reception was held Friday evening welcoming all with especial salutations to six new members , first time attendees, and accompanying guests.

Photo by Dave Martucci

After breakfast Saturday morning, new member and first time attendee, Dean Thomas from California brightly brought the group to muster with his bugle call. The registrants and guests rallied in front of the hotel for the parade of flags. The flag of the United States of America was carried by Martin A. Francis who smartly stepped off leading the assembled. Others quickly fell abreast to keep up with Martin's spirited stride. Others joined carrying the national flags of Canada, Mexico, The NAVA 36 flag, the state of Colorado, and the cities of Denver, and Aurora. More members fell in carrying national, state, provincial, city, county and parish, personal and favorite flags.

Photo by Dave Breitenbach

The jolly group marched to the six flag pole plaza marking the entrance to Gateway Park. More photos, and salutes were made, and Dean Thomas sounded the bugle call for the opening of the Convention and then the return march and onto the meeting at hand.

Composite photo by Dave Breitenbach

The meeting was attended by 32 members and guests. Everyone enjoyed the close personal contacts that were made.

Photo by Dave Martucci

The flags everyone brought for the parade were hung in the meeting room thanks to a fine loan of poles and stands by The House of Flags in Littleton, a suburb of Denver. Thanks go to first timer, John Seebeck, the owner of The House of Flags!

Promptly at 1000 hours President Martucci called the business meeting to order. Minutes were read and approved. Officer and committee reports were delivered and discussed. A bylaw change regarding a new fiscal year of January 1 through December 31 was offered which produced a lively discussion. Past treasurers and certified public accountants , many who are active members all thought the change of the fiscal year a good idea. The motion passed.

At the Friday evening Board meeting, Kevin Murray had speculated whether biennial meetings might not be more successful and attract more attendees. After a brief discussion , a show of hands revealed the overwhelming majority wished to remain with annual meetings . A slate for the nominating committee was presented by President Martucci with more nominations from the floor. Scot Guenter, Bea Jones and John Purcell were elected as the new Nominating Committee.

The slate of current officers was offered for re-election. Gustavo Tracchia was nominated from the floor by Whitney Smith for President. This produced animated discussion as well. By secret ballot Dave Martucci was re-elected , and the supporting officers all re-elected by acclimation.

Photo by Mason Kaye.
Left to right: Treasurer Ted Kaye, First Vice President Andy Biles, President Dave Martucci, Secretary Rich Monahan, Second Vice President Kevin Murray.

Next, offers from Montréal, Canada and Oakland, California were presented for next year's meeting site. Discussion ensued and Harry Oswald stated he felt meetings should be held at sites where many NAVA members reside. A vote was taken and Montréal, Canada captured the count! (The Board ratified this vote on Sunday night.) President Martucci adjourned the business meeting

Photo by Dave Martucci

Exhibits and information were set up in an adjoining room for all to look over, to buy things and to enjoy the materials presented. Several of the displays related to the papers presented. Others were personal collections, organizational, and two commercial ones. NAVA member Daniel Broh-Kahn could not attend but sent all registrants gift packages of Six Sided Simulations games, as well as a decorative display. You could read delightful little excerpts from all the NAVA newsletters; these were provided by Mark Liss, past historian of NAVA. From California Bea Jones had assembled a table display of the Flags of the African Diaspora, and Members were encouraged to buy some NAVA mementos from our NAVA shopkeeper , Mason Kaye.

Photo by Andy Biles

Martin A. Francis displayed his collection of the Flags of the 50 United States.

Photo by Dave Martucci

After lunch, everyone the gathered for the afternoon presentations .

Photo by Dave Martucci

Andy started off the proceedings by showing his now-famous Checkpoint Charlie flag he picked up in Berlin during the Cold War.

Photo by Dave Martucci

The afternoon presentations began with a jaunty paper delivered by our new bulge master Dean Thomas discussing the flags of the German Democratic Republic demonstrating several samples ...

Photo by Dave Martucci

... including the flag of the ruling Party, the SED.

Photos by Dave Martucci

Shopkeeper Mason Kaye conducted an auction of last year's NAVA 35 (Norfolk, Virginia) flag. What do I hear for this fine flag? Going once, going twice, ... Sold to the highest bidder!

Photo by Dave Martucci

Our second speaker was also a first time attendee from Oklahoma providing us with his study of vexillology and geography . He also supplied a table display which demonstrated his Click and Learn Software Company. Presentations were frequently interspersed with surprise door prizes.

Photo by Dave Martucci

The last talk of the afternoon was a delightful presentation by David Ott of Texas. He gave a provocative talk about The Anti-federalist Society of Chatham County, Georgia, USA and showed their flag of the Republic of Georgia (dark blue star on white). The group broke business for the day approximately at 1630, and were urged to visit the exhibits.

Photo by Dave Martucci

Saturday evening we all gathered for the activities. Members were brightly decked out in formal wear, Scottish kilts, and various colors. All were welcomed and gifts of gratitude for first timers and, new members of the organization were presented to Dean Thomas, John King, John Seebeck, Peter Ansoff, Robert Reynolds, and James Bolinger. A hearty round of applause sounded. A special recognition was directed to John Seebeck who provided flag poles, stands, gifts and other hardware and mementos which so added to the success of the entire event. He received a jolly hand.

Photo by Dave Martucci

After a lovely meal, all were entertained by Scot Guenter's presentation. He gave a signal delivery on the significance and flags relating to September 11th. His speech was most stimulating and thoughtful. A token of appreciation was given him. All were thanked for coming, and many socialized prior to breaking for the evening.

Photo by Dave Martucci

The moderator opened the Sunday morning session by reading excerpts from some of the earliest NAVA newsletters citing Whitney Smith for generating this seminal study, and David Martucci for designing the NAVA seal as a youthful vexillologist. He then piped in the first speaker, after rendering appropriate salutes.

Photo by Dave Martucci

Peter A. Ansoff, one of the three first time members giving presentations led off with his very interesting historical paper on the documentary sources for the first US Navy jack.

Photo provided by Andy Biles

Next, Andrew Biles showed slides from a Cuban trip pointing out the flag and family coat of arms of Señor Diego Velasquez, the first governor of Santiago de Cuba. The flag can be seen in his home, now a museum. The time was 1516 and this was the original capital of Cuba.

Photo by Dave Martucci

Ted Kaye told us of NAVA's involvement in the Utah flag design contest. Our member, Lois Campbell had to leave early and could not give us a personal account from a Salt Lake City resident's point of view.

Image provided by Annie Platoff

Annie M. Platoff, who hails from Kansas but now living and working in California presented a very entertaining paper on her research of the use of flags in the manned space program.

Photo by Dave Martucci

Prior to the last presenter, Andrew Biles held up the flag of the provincia de Magellanes, the 12th and southernmost district of Chile. David Ott knew it, and this heralded Gus Tracchia presentation on new flags in the provinces of Argentina.

Here is a 15-second QuickTime movie clip of Gus Tracchia's presentation on little-known Argentine Flags, filmed by Dave Martucci. (Caution! Don't try to view this unless you have a high speed connection!)

Photo by Andy Biles

Speakers were all applauded and awaited the decision of the Board for the winner to be announced. The Captain William Driver award was presented to Peter A. Ansoff. who returned the donation to NAVA and he was warmly thanked for his generosity. President Martucci reminded us that the National Flag Foundation and its Director Mr. David White fund this annual award. For personal copies of any of the presentations contact the historian, Jack Lowe.

All were thanked for their participation, and the flag was waved signaling the end of the meeting. See you next year in Montréal! Remember the meeting date returns to the Columbus Day weekend.

Photo by Dave Martucci

After the meeting closed, many of the members enjoyed the local scene in the Denver area. Andy and most of the Board went to a local steak house, Evangelines, where he was peppered with great fun!

The next day, a group went out to visit The House of Flags in Littleton. John Seebeck, the proprietor is seated and behind him stand President Dave Martucci, First Vice President Andy Biles, Treasurer Ted Kaye, Shopkeeper Mason Kaye and Second Vice President Kevin Murray.

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